The Problem Of Male Infertility Has Increased In Corona. Is It Possible To Cure It At Home?

Rafee Ibne Azad
2 min readJul 7, 2021


Male infertility has increased tremendously due to corona. That is what many surveys say. Infection, of course, has been claimed to be a significant cause of stress.

Male Infertility

Why has the male infertility problem increased?

Corona increases the number of various cytokines in the body, doctors said. Many of them cause blood clots. Corona can cause blood clots anywhere in the body. The male genitalia is no exception.

Blood clots form in the muscles of the genitals or adjacent veins, causing blood flow to be blocked there. As a result, it does not cut the relaxation of the genitals. In medical terms, it is called ‘erectile dysfunction’ or ‘ED.’ This is why male infertility is increasing.

Many men are suffering from this problem. But many of them do not want to talk to the doctor about the matter. I am feeling numb. Can home remedies help them?

Doctors say that this problem can be gradually eliminated by living a healthy life. Eating things like oats, pumpkin seeds, nuts can also cure this problem to some extent. Besides, it is better to do regular exercise.

Those who do not have problems can eat food like horse odor, walnuts regularly.

But in some cases, the problem reaches a point where there is no way out without consulting a doctor. Not only that, what one might think of as just a genital problem may be an indication of a deeper problem.

For example, many of those who suffer from this condition also have heart problems. As a result, they are advising not to leave the matter in the hands of domestic remedies only.



Rafee Ibne Azad

Hi, I am Rafee Ibne Azad. I am a ContentWriter, DigitalMarketer and SEOProfessional. I Completed my BBA, MBA in Marketing from IIUC.